Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend of adventure

Ok so it wasn't that adventuresome but I had a hard time trying to come up with a different title. Yesterday we had a father's day activity with Amy's parents in Salt Lake City at the Gateway mall. We were running a little late so we rushed to find a parking spot. Of course I had to hit every red light and then drove around in circles to try to find a spot in the parking garage. Eventually there was parking available on the bottom floor (3 stories under ground). Then the elevator was acting broken (it was just sitting there with the doors open making the 'warning' sound) so we opted to take the stairs. We made it into the theater several minutes after the movie was supposed to start and met Phil out front. We then had to find the right room. Fortunately for us, the show started right as we sat in our seats so no previews for us!! One thing that was cool with the theater was that they had assigned seating-- but you could choose your seats on a screen and get tickets for those seats. Kung-Fu Panda was just as good the second time around!

After the movie, we went to the California Pizza Kitchen to do some eating. And eat we did! Everybody got pizza, except for me... I got the BBQ chicken salad. Amy and I split the pizza and salad. It was all pretty good. We got some of the details of mom and dad's mission and they seemed to be loving it! After leaving the restaurant, we ran into Dennis, the caterer at our wedding reception! It was good to see him again too.

Everybody piled into my car and we had fun going around in circles again trying to find mom and dad's car. We searched the entire garage (literally) before finding it on an aisle that I had skipped before (they thought it was on a different floor). So that was pretty funny!!

Amy and I then came home so I could write my talk for today. Amy had already written hers and was bored so I kicked her out and told her to go to the mall so that I could write mine in peace. :-) Ok, so she wanted to go to the mall anyway but I got a lot done when she was gone. I put the finishing touches on it this morning and then printed out hers and mine.

Amy got really nervous and nearly pooped her pants before she gave her talk. (j/k -- Amy told me to write that) Its a good thing she didn't though because that would have been a really crappy talk. She did well and then I gave my talk. She says that I did amazing but that is only because I'm really turning her on right now (she told me to write that too). We're just glad that it is over and we don't have to worry about it anymore. We do have to worry about a musical number though coming up in July.


Heidi said...

Oh my gosh. I am speechless. Sicko

Stacey and Landis said...

for once in her life Heidi is speechless!... good job nate and amy :) you guys are my heros