Friday, April 2, 2010

What Happened to March?

It feels like March just flew by this year! I can't believe I haven't posted anything since the first of February. Boy am I behind! Well, I guess that's just how life goes. Let's see here. New things this month, beginning with Emma:

She can crawl like the wind now, going so fast I can't even blink anymore without her hurrying off to get into something she's not supposed to. She can also walk pretty well behind her walker, until she runs into something, which happens because she's smiling so big at Mom or Dad to show how proud of her we should be that she doesn't watch where she's She loves to get into the towel and utensil drawers in the kitchen and pull everything out. She also LOVES to try and find Mama when I hide around corners. She gets a real kick out of that. Her new skill this month is whistling! She had a habit (and still does) of getting really excited about things and breathing in and out really fast, kind of like a panting dog. Then about a couple weeks ago or so, she did the panting thing with her lips in an "oo" shape and it came out like a whistle! The day she discovered it she was doing it all day long. She hasn't done quite as often since, but she does it every once in a while and it's really cute! She has also learned to feed herself and is actually getting quite coordinated with it. She's smart too. She figured out on her own that if she has something in her hand and wants to pull herself up to standing on something, she'll put that thing in her mouth so she's got her hands free then pull herself right up! Then she uses the object to bang on whatever it was she stood up That's my Emma! We had fun taking her to the neighborhood HOA Egg Hunt Activity and she had fun watching all the little kids run around. She's itching to be with them! That'll come before I know it, she's growing so fast! Love my little Missy Moo!

As far as things with Nate goes, he's been super busy at work and has been doing some on call stuff at home. He's been working really hard to show his managers that he deserves a promotion, so we're hoping they see that and give him one! Nate also started sell HomePro By Design this month. It is a line of EXCELLENT cleaning products that came from the supplier for Nate's dad's carpet cleaning products. They are of professional quality, are inexpensive, and are even green. I LOVE cleaning with them! And that's saying something since I never really liked cleaning growing up. We both think it would be a great Mother's Day gift to get the Cleaning Essentials kit and then tell your wife/mother that you'll clean the whole house for her for Mother's Day. They clean so well, you'll be done with it in no time! :) Here's the link to check it out! Nate doesn't have a whole lot of time to get out there and sell it, so we're relying a lot on word of mouth right now. Other than work and HomePro, Nate stays busy with the Young Men doing activities and things. He went on his first campout with the Teachers in February and really enjoyed it. It was also my first night being without him in a big empty house. But thankfully I got through it okay!
My new stuff this month includes getting my first pair of glasses ever, joining Scentsy, getting 6 new piano students, and subbing for the primary pianist (who is subbing for the primary chorister who just had a baby). So I stay pretty busy. My piano students are so much fun and they are all doing so well! I love watching them progress and master new songs. It's the best seeing the joy and pride on their faces when they do that! Other fun things we've done this month have been a game night with our neighbors, lunch with my co-worker, and going to the temple with the family for Gram's birthday then going out to dinner afterwards. It's been a really great month! I'm really looking forward to the rest of April as well. Conference has been awesome so far and I can't wait to hear the talks tomorrow! Plus it's Easter tomorrow and it's a wonderful time to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. He truly lives and we are able to become perfected and rise again through Him. It's a great time of year! I'm also looking forward to my parents coming this Tuesday!!!!! I can't wait to see them! It'll be a blast!

1 comment:

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

Emma is just so cute, I can't stand it!! And I love your new glasses....I noticed them at church the other day! =]