Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Kind of Mother Am I?

Emma has decided that she can wiggle her way out of her car seat if she's not strapped in. I was fixing dinner, talking on the phone to Nate, and had my back turned, when it all happened. I heard her fussing a bit and then realized it had stopped so I turned around and found her like this!:

She was just kind of looking around like "what just happened?" and then she saw her blanket and decided to start eating it:

I guess the stationary days are over now! I better keep a better eye on her from now on like a good mother...lol.

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma Hoggan said...

Cute pictures. Way to capture the moment. I bet you laughed and she was thinking...Mom this really isn't funny. Yep, before you know it she'll be into your cupboards and have it all pulled out. I'm lovin' it. MOM