Thursday, August 7, 2008

Update from Washington

Sorry that it's been a little while since our last post. I kept feeling like there was nothing to post about until the days added up and I found there was a lot to post about! Nate's been at his job now for about two weeks and so far I think he's liking it. He says they have him doing a lot of busy work for now, but I'm sure things will speed up soon enough. They've already assigned him to be the facilitator at one of their important meetings. So they aren't hesitating to use him. I think the only thing he doesn't like at this point is the commute, not that it's necessarily horribly far away, but the traffic gets really annoying and makes it long. Guess you've just got to pick and choose your battles. As for me, I've finally got a job! Yay! I was getting worried because I wasn't being contacted by anyone for an interview and I was really depressed about it. Then I randomly saw this job for a teller position at First Savings Bank Northwest in Renton and they contacted me like an hour after I emailed the resume in. I interviewed with them they decided they really wanted me. There were so many good things about the job that outweighed the bad that I couldn't turn it down. Bad parts were that I still don't have my own car and Renton is 30 min away in good traffic, 45 min. in bad traffic. But I guess that's really all that's bad about it. They are a one branch bank in Renton that's been there for 85 years. They don't have as much stress and strain as the bigger banks do so it'll be more stable and it's growing. It's a very nice looking bank and everyone there has been so nice to me. They said they actually have a carpool going from Covington (where we live right now!) to the branch so I could use that until we get another car. They're starting me at a pay that I was so happy to get. It was better than any other teller job out there, including the big banks (Bank of America called me for an interview but they were set at $10/hr...cheapos!). I'm really excited about the job. It's 9-5 M-Th and 9-6 on Fridays. No Saturdays or Sundays and off on federal holidays. Yay!! I start on the 15th. Okay I'm babbling on too much about this. I have a lot of time on my hands because right now I'm house-sitting for Nate's uncle and aunt (Wes and Deb). They are such nice people and their house is so nice. They have three dogs (two of them are very similar to two of Nate's dogs and so I keep messing up their names - they are the same kind of dogs and came from the same litter of puppies). So I'm taking care of them and watering the plants, getting the mail, etc. They've been good so far and it's kind of nice in this solitude. Nate gets home in the afternoon and it'll be nice to have a place to ourselves for a bit. I also got the book Breaking Dawn on Monday. I normally would have a book like that finished in like a day or two but I've been trying to savor it bit by bit since it's the last book of the series. It's SOOOO good! I love it!!! I think Stephenie Meyer has the coolest imagination ever and is a romantic at heart just like me. I've also been saving it so that I can read most of it while I'm here alone. I've been reading all morning so I'm just taking a break to update the blog...then I'll be right back to Well things are going great, despite the ups and downs of regular life. I'm really loving Washington so far. It's so beautiful here! And it's SO cool to be reading the Twilight series in this atmosphere, if you know what I mean. It's like I'm so close to seeing the story open up right before my eyes. I am beginning to feel the small pull of being away from family and from where I was comfortable though. I don't feel home quite yet, but maybe once we get our own place I will start to feel that way. I'm glad Nate's sisters are all close by. It's fun playing with their kids and holding babies again. That helps me feel more at home in a weird way. Babies have that comforting effect I guess. We all got together this past Sunday for Stacey's birthday. It was so much fun! We went to Heidi's house and had a BBQ and had ice cream cake (her favorite) for dessert. It was nice to just relax with the family. We just hope it made Stacey happy! Other than those kinds of things I've been pretty domestic just doing laundry, ironing Nate's shirts for work, looking for a car, making breakfast and lunch for Nate. Just trying to stay busy. I think I may look for an opportunity to sing in choir somehow here...yeah there's ward choir, but I'm thinking something more professional than that. I don't know. I might also do a couple piano lessons on the side. We'll see. Anyways, first thing is to find a car so I can get to Wish me luck!


Grandpa and Grandma Hoggan said...

A facilitator? Not sure what that means in this sense, but it sounds important! Anyway, we're glad you are enjoying your new experiences. And so glad you both have a good job. It will all work out. Love ya.

Stacey and Landis said...

Amy! we love you!.. I hear you! its nice to have a house all to yourself! ... without all the riffraff for a while!.. you better let me know if you need anything!

Grandpa and Grandma Hoggan said...

ps Amy I am sooo glad you want to be in a choir and do something with your music. Being involved in those kinds of things will bring great joy to your heart and to others. And talk Nate into going to choir too. He's got a great voice. Love you.